
The Temptations of Brother Sebastian (2006)

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Sobre o filme

The planet is devastated by warfare and by pollution. Brother Sebastian, a novice in a congregation that syncretizes Christianity from the era of the martyrs with Messianic cults in arid up-country Brazil, is preparing to be ordained. The brothers? mission is to preach the Gospel of the Blessed and the Martyrs and restore lost hope in urban centers and in the hinterland. However, tortured by doubt, by shame at having been sexually raped as a child and by the unbridled passion he feels for androginous Brother Gabriel, Brother Sebastian makes a confession to the founder of the order, Padre Sanctus, the only one who can save him. The year is 2030, but might be any equally desolating future. The focus of the film is on the sexual and psychological deadlock of the protagonist, recollecting intense moments in his past, when, as a boy, he met Exu.

Título original: As Tentações Do Irmão Sebastião

Ano: 2006

Duração: 147 minutos

País: Brazil

Cor: color, 35mm


Roteiro: José Araújo

Fotografia: Antônio Luiz Mendes

Elenco: Rodolfo Vaz, Marcus Miranda,Luthyane D Montmartre, Aury Porto

Produtor: José Araújo

Música: Rodger de Rogério, Nonato Luiz, Antônio José Forte

Edições: 30