International Perspective
The Felpetos have managed a clandestine lottery business for decades. The family enterprise operates in a small housing development. Maribel leads a crew of clerks who log the bets from her living room. Alejandra, her mother, lives in an identical house just a few meters away, which serves as the administrative office. Some lotto bankers have been raided lately, and the atmosphere in the neighborhood has become strage since. There has been talk about police dismissals and big-money movements. Nobody can tell what is true from the rumors or the news on TV.
Presented in the Director’s Fortnight at the Cannes Film Festival.
Hernán Rosselli
Hernán Rosselli
Joaquín Neira
Hernán Rosselli, Federico Rostein, Jimena García Molt
Nahuel Palenque, Martin Gabriel Scaglia, Lautaro Zamaro, Javier Fernandez Jensen
Micaela Lauro, Santino Mondini Rivas
Maribel Felpeto, Alejandra Cánepa, Juliana Simoes Risso, Leandro Menendez, Javier Abril Rotger, Marcelo Barbosa, Hugo Felpeto
Juan Segundo Alamos, Mariana Luconi, Hernán Rosselli, Alejandro Rath, Miguel Molina, Adán Aliaga
36 Caballos, Un Resentimiento de Provincia, Protón Cine, Zebra Cine, Arde Cine, Jaibo Films, Oublaum Filmes
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