Mostra Brasil
Based on true events, the film follows Clara, a math teacher who has become a popular educational influencer on the internet. With a sense of humor, sarcasm, and sometimes a bit of irreverence, she likes to keep everything under control —until she has to confront her vulnerability upon discovering she has breast cancer. With courage and resilience, she navigates through tough days and better ones, supported by her teenage daughter, mother, and loyal friends. On her journey to healing, Clara has the opportunity to celebrate life and redefine her relationships.
Rosane Svartman
Suzana Pires, Martha Mendonça, Pedro Reinato
Dudu Miranda
Natara Ney
Valéria Ferro
Maria Muricy
Flavia Tygel
Fabiana Egrejas
Suzana Pires, Marieta Severo, Nathália Costa, Fabiana Karla, Carla Cristina, Maria Gal
Clélia Bessa
Raccord Produções
Downtown Filmes