Mostra Brasil
Free adaptation of notes made by writer Mário de Andrade during his trip along the Amazon River in 1927, prior to the publication of his most renowned work, “Macunaíma”, from 1928. Mário would only “organize” these notes in 1943, 16 years after his Amazonian adventure. The material then became a book titled “The Apprentice Tourist” only in 1976. From then on, there is the freedom to propose a film that takes place in the writer’s head, since everything is memories and fiction. A tribute to a writer who spent his life thinking about his country.
Murilo Salles
Murilo Salles
Murilo Salles
Pedro Rossi
Felipe Luz
João Paulo Lacerda
Mina Quental, Jair de Souza
Rodrigo Mercadante, Dora Freind, Dora de Assis, Lorena da Silva, Pedro Miguel
Murilo Salles
Cinema Brasil Digital