Sobre o filme
A fairytale with a dark heart, taking us to the island of Kauai in 1984 and into a replica of a lush forest filled with colorful birds. Here, you are invited to search for the last known “ōʻō,” an iconic black bird with yellow leg feathers and a beautiful song, a bird whose existence has been threatened to the point of extinction.
Realidade Virtual
Quando: de 17 a 30/10
Horários: das 15h30 às 20h30 (exceto dia 19/10, a partir das 18h30)
Onde: Auditório do CineSesc (rua Augusta, 2075 - Cerqueira César)
Quanto: entrada de hora em hora, gratuita, mediante retirada de ingresso
Título original: SONGBIRD
Ano: 2018
Tags: Denmark, United Kingdom, virtual reality, nature, short film, environment, female directors, animals
Cor: cor
Direção: Lucy Greenwell
Produtor: Anetta Jones, Lana Tankosa Nikolic
World Sales: Diversion Cinema
E-mail: [email protected]
Edições: 43