
Geraldo Sarno
Geraldo Sarno

Geraldo Sarno

Born in Poções, Bahia, in 1938. He attended the Federal University of Bahia and the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC). After his first films, “Viramundo” (1965) and “Auto de Vitória” (1966), he planned an audiovisual encyclopedia of the popular culture of the Northeastern hinterland for the Institute of Brazilian Studies at USP, of which “Viva Cariri” (1969) stands out. He directed, among others, the documentaries “Iaô” (1977, 2nd Mostra) and “Coronel Delmiro Gouveia” (1977). From the 1990s onwards, he taught film and produced the series of programs “The Language of Cinema” (2000-2003). He wrote the book “Glauber Rocha and Latin American Cinema” (1994). He also directed “Tudo Isto me Parece um Sonho” (2008), “O Último Romance de Balzac” (2010, 34th Mostra) and “Sertânia” (2019). Geraldo Sarno died in Rio de Janeiro in 2022.

Filmes já exibidos na mostra

  • Iaô (2ª MOSTRA)
  • The Last Novel of Balzac (34ª MOSTRA)