
Wim Wenders
Wim Wenders

Wim Wenders

Born in Düsseldorf, Germany, in 1945. Wenders studied at the Munich College of Film and Television. He is one of the exponents of the New German Cinema of the 1970’s. He directed the features “The American Friend” (1977, 3rd Mostra), “Hammett” (1982, 8th Mostra), “The State of Things” (1982, 8th Mostra), winner of the Golden Lion at Venice International Film Festival, “Tokyo-Ga” (1985, 10th Mostra), “Paris, Texas” (1984, 13rd Mostra), Golden Palm at Cannes Film Festival. “Wings of Desire” (1987, 12th Mostra), winner of the director’s award at the Cannes Film Festival. He also directed “Until the End of the World” (1991, 16th Mostra), “Nick’s Movie” (1980, 15th Mostra), “Land of Plenty” (2004, opening film of the 28th Mostra) and “Don’t Come Knocking” (2005, 29th Mostra). In 2010, he designed the poster art for the 34th Mostra, which screened a retrospective of his filmography, and came back to São Paulo for the opening of an exhibition of his photographs at Masp. His documentary films “Buena Vista Social Club” (1999), “Pina” (2011), and “The Salt of the Earth” (2014) have all been nominated for Oscars. He also directed a segment of the film “Invisible World” (2012, 35th Mostra), produced by Mostra. “Every Thing Will Be Fine” (2015), “Pope Francis: A Man of His Word” (2018), “Anselm” (2023, 47th Mostra) and “Perfect Days” (2023) are some of his recent films.

Filmes já exibidos na mostra

  • Wings of Desire (12ª MOSTRA)
  • Wings of Desire (34ª MOSTRA)
  • Ten Minutes Older - The Trumpet (27ª MOSTRA)
  • Don´t Come Knocking (29ª MOSTRA)
  • Hammett (8ª MOSTRA)
  • Invisibles (31ª MOSTRA)
  • Invisible World (35ª MOSTRA)
  • Invisible World (36ª MOSTRA)
  • The American Friend (3ª MOSTRA)
  • The State of Things (7ª MOSTRA)
  • Lighting Over Water (34ª MOSTRA)
  • Ode to Cologne (26ª MOSTRA)
  • Palermo Shooting (32ª MOSTRA)
  • Paris, Texas (34ª MOSTRA)
  • Land of Plenty (28ª MOSTRA)
  • Tokyo Ga (10ª MOSTRA)
  • Tokyo Ga (27ª MOSTRA)
  • Anselm (47ª MOSTRA)
  • Beyond the Clouds (47ª MOSTRA)